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Board of Directors

                                                               Cheng Liwei
                          President of China Mining Association

2023.12- Now  President of China Mining Association
2021.8  Retired 
2019.5-2021.8  Chief Engineer, Ministry of Natural Resources 
2018.9-2020.2  Director-General, Department of General Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources 
2016.11-2018.9  Director-General, Department of Regulation and Monitoring, Ministry of Land and Resources 
2006.10-2016.11  Director/Secretary of the Central Geological Exploration Fund Management Center 
1995.12-2006.10  Deputy Director, Curator/Secretary, Geological Museum of China 
1988.8-1995.12  Deputy Director and then Director of the General Office of the Ministry of  Geology and Mineral Resources
1983.8-1985.1  Assistant Engineer of the First Brigade of Shandong Geology and Mining Bureau

1985.1-1988.8  Staff Member, Political Department, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources
                                                     Wu Guohua
                   Vice President of China Mining Association

2020-Now Vice President of China Mining Association
2016-2020 Retired from Guangzhou Branch of the Former State Land Supervision Bureau
2013-2016 Commissioner, Member of the Party Leadership Group, Guangzhou Branch of the Former State Land Supervision Bureau
2000-2013 Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Former Ministry of Land and Resources 
1995-2000 Deputy Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources and Ministry of Land and Resources
1982-1995 Deputy Director and Director successively, Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Former Ministry of Geology and Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources
                                          Che Changbo
                   Secretary General of China Mining Association
2021 -Now Secretary General of China Mining Association
2020 -2021 Retired
2018 - 2020 Director, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Central Geological Exploration Fund Management Center, Ministry of Natural Resources
2016 -2018 Director, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Central Geological Exploration Fund Management Center, Ministry of Land and Resources
2012 -2016 Deputy Director, Department of Geological Exploration (Office of Mineral Prospecting Action), Ministry of Land and Resources
2002 -2012 Deputy Director, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch, Oil and Gas Resource Strategic Research Center, Ministry of Land and Resources
1998 - 2002 Director, Specific Minerals Division, Department of Geological Exploration, Ministry of Land and Resources